Discover Affordable
Quality Services

Tailored Solutions, Transparent Pricing
Invest in Your Family's Wellbeing

We will discuss your requirements and propose the most effective servicing and pricing arrangements for you.  
All our costs are upfront, transparent and competitive. 

But as a rule of thumb, short assignments are billed around €500 Euro per day plus expenses and vat.  We are fast, professional and get things done.

Obviously, the longer the assignment or the contract, the cheaper our costs will be. We will do specific single activities like manage your private jet bookings, but it makes better sense to engage us across a range of services. 

If you prefer a regular payment, in the form of a subscription, we have some decent monthly plans.   

Check out
our amazing plans

Get a single monthly price



  • Single Household Family
  • Dedicated contact
  • Office Hours and Emergency Support
  • Problems Log
  • Emergency Line
Most Popular
Gold (Silver+)


  • Two Households
  • Full weekend support
  • Extended Office Hours
  • Managed Document Database 
  • Weekly planning meetings or briefings
Annual Platinum (Gold+)


  • Full Bills Management
  • Attendance at meeting for translation or explanation
  • Monthly activities report
  • 24/7 Hotline.
  • Personal Service Manager
  • Personal Project Manager 

Not sure which plan suits you?

Let's discuss how we can support you.